
All-In-One Under Sink Water Purifier

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Experience Coway’s new all-in-one under sink water filter system.

The combined filter and tank design declutters under sink storage.

WOW (water-on-water) technology allows for faster purification compared to other under sink water filter systems.

Easily manage filters yourself with Coway Self Service.

Coway provides most reliable filter system for every filter to be certified by WQA

Most reliable system for every filter to be certified by WQA

NSF / ANSI Standard 42:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine, Taste and odor, Particulates, etc

NSF / ANSI Standard 58:
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
TDS, Cr(III), Cr(VI), Cd, Nitrate, etc.

Plus Inno-sense
NSF / ANSI Standard 42:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine, Taste and odor, Particulates, etc.

NSF / ANSI Standard 53:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Health Effects
Cyst, lead, VOCs, MTBE, etc.

Water Filtration
Filter Cartridge STEP 1) `11 Sediment 20μm STEP 2) `11 Neo-sense (Sediment + Pre-Carbon) STEP 3) `11 RO (Reverse Osmosis Membrane) STEP 4) `11 Inno-sense (Post-Carbon + Fine)
Flow rate/ Production Rate 40 gpd (189.2 lpd)
Filter Life Sedi 5,20μm : 6 Months Neo-sense : 6 Months Nanotrap : 24 Months Inno-sense : 6 Months
Tank Capacity|Ambient 1.58 gal (6 ℓ)
Feed Water Pressure 40~120psi (275kPa~827kPa)
Feed Water Temperature 41℉~95℉ (5℃~35℃)
Dimensions(W X D X H) 9.25 X 13.75 X 16.5 inch (235 X 350 X 419 mm)
Net Weight 14.3 ℓb (6.5 kg)
Main features
Purified Water

Complimentary Coway Heart Service When You Lease

When you need us, we’ll be there. Our heart service team members will always act as fast as possible to overcome any troubleshooting, maintenanace, or installation.A speedy and caring response is our promise.

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