
Coway Air Purifier

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Air care customized for each situation through 3-step multi-circulation function

1,905 ft² (176 m²) of Coverage

Air Filtration
Filtration º Pre Filter º Double Deodorization Filter º Deodorization Filter º HEPA Filter
Recommended Room size 1 air change /hr.* 1,973 ft² (183 m²) | 2 air changes/hr.** 1,905 ft² (176 m²) of Coverage
Basic Feature|Fan Speed 4 Types: Surround (multi), Air Jet, General, Rapid Circulation
Dimensions(W X D X H) 16 x 9 x 30 inch
Weight 27.8ℓb
Disclaimers The coverage area of the air purifier is based on an area where the air cleaner can make two air changes per hour (ACPH). An air change per hour translates to how many times an air purifier can clean an area, assuming the height of a ceiling to be 8 ft, in one hour. Therefore ** indicates two air changes per hour, so the unit cleans the area once every 30 minutes. * indicates one air change per hour, so the unit cleans the area once every 60 minutes.

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When you need us, we’ll be there. Our heart service team members will always act as fast as possible to overcome any troubleshooting, maintenanace, or installation.A speedy and caring response is our promise.

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