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Model P-300L
Features 정수, White Color

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Powerless ambient water purifier with RO system

Large tank capacity (2.0gal) in a compact size

The no-power mode

Allows you to economically use the essential water purification features without worries about electricity bills.
The power code is not required so the water purifier can be installed anywhere.

Clean with detachable cork

It is simple and easy to detach and clean the cork which is used in various environments and susceptible to contamination.

Dual water-level controller to prevent overflow

White & blue colors of simple design make your kitchen look better

Coway provides the most reliable filter system for every filter to be certified by WQA

Most reliable system for every filter to be certified by WQA

NSF / ANSI Standard 42:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine, Taste and odor, Particulates, etc

NSF / ANSI Standard 58:
Reverse Osmosis Drinking Water Treatment Systems
TDS, Cr(III), Cr(VI), Cd, Nitrate, etc.

Plus Inno-sense
NSF / ANSI Standard 42:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Aesthetic Effects
Chlorine, Taste and odor, Particulates, etc.

NSF / ANSI Standard 53:
Drinking Water Treatment Units – Health Effects
Cyst, lead, VOCs, MTBE, etc.

Water Filtration
Filter Cartridge STEP 1) `8 Neo-sense (Sediment + Pre-Carbon) STEP 2) `8 RO STEP 3) `8 Inno-sense (Post-Carbon + Fine)
Flow rate/ Production Rate 0.84gal / h
Filtration Capacity 29.5 gpd (112 lpd)
Tank Capacity|Ambient 7.6ℓ (2.0 gallon)
Feed Water Pressure 20~120psi (138kPa~827kPa)
Feed Water Temperature 41℉~95℉ (5℃~35℃)
Dimensions(W X D X H) 12.2 x 15.7 x 15.9 inch
Net Weight 13.2ℓb (6 kg)
Main features

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